"Unafraid" with Benjamin L. Corey

"Unafraid" with Benjamin L. Corey

Thinking about my faith journey up to date I realized that I can't be in the minority wondering how many other Christians are only followers as a form of divine fire insurance. How though has this thought and practice actually impacted our walk with our Lord and what does that mean.

To discuss this a bit further I was able to pick the brain of Benjamin L. Corey and try to have some honest conversation about construction and deconstruction and what the light at the end of the tunnel means.

Easter and the Resurrection with Alexander John Shaia

Easter and the Resurrection with Alexander John Shaia

There is no greater moment in our faith, arguably in the world, than the resurrection of Jesus. In a moment in time the world swapped its axis and forever changed. So too has our knowledge of the beautiful history surrounding our celebration with our brothers and sisters in the faith in Easter. How should we posture our hearts, daily, in reflection upon a magnificent moment in time.