Touched by God with Luigi Gioia

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We all are longing and, if we are honest, looking for true touch. Not a sexual one, not a "compassionate one", but one that holds us at the core of who we were created to always be. How do we embrace this though? Luigi Gioia and I discuss.

Guest Bio:

Luigi Gioia is Professor of Systematic Theology at the Pontifical University of Sant'Anselmo in Rome and Research Associate of the Von Hügel Institute (Cambridge). In the past four years he has preached spiritual retreats in the UK, France, USA, Canada, Australia, Korea, China, Philippines and he has published widely in scholarly reviews. He is currently Visiting Scholar of the Divinity Faculty at Cambridge University.


Music from this Episode is by William Matthews from his latest release KOSMOS.

Tracks Include: You & Me, In The Grey, KOSMOS

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