Open Theism with Dr. Greg Boyd

Open Theism with Dr. Greg Boyd

What is open theism? What is it's purpose and when we discuss what is our future and what is reality where does that leave us? Do we have control or does God? Let's get into it. 

Greg Boyd is an internationally recognized theologian, preacher, teacher, apologist and author.

He has been featured on the front page of The New York Times, The Charlie Rose Show, CNN, National Public Radio, the BBC and numerous other television and radio venues.

The Doctrine of Discovery and Exceptionalism with Mark Charles

The Doctrine of Discovery and Exceptionalism with Mark Charles

Have you ever wondered how we became the country and the church and the way that we are today? What is the true history of our nation. Ask almost any person on the street and they will quote to you Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln or further back Columbus. But that's not the history, at least, not the true history. The Doctrine of Discovery is absolutely fascinating and all-together important to understand; especially through a lens of how it impacts every portion of our lives. 

Links to the articles referenced:

The Black Madonna with Courtney Hall Lee

The Black Madonna with Courtney Hall Lee

This week I had the great pleasure of speaking with the author, blogger, and rising voice of Courtney Hall Lee. In this episode we sit down to discuss many topics. Most specifically surrounding her new book Black Madonna: A Womanist Look at Mary of Nazareth  #BLACKLIVESMATTER, what good can come from Nazareth. Courtney Hall Lee writes about theology, Christianity and spirituality. She speaks and writes about the intersections of faith, culture, and social justice.