Can I Say This At Church Podcast

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Falling Towards our Soul Child with Barrett Owen

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Episode Transcript

Question: Pain, heartache, fear...where do these leave us? Answer: Falling; continuously away from our core being and what we were created to be. So how do we stop? Well, we fall, the opposite way. 

Guest Bio: Rev. Barrett Owen

Rev. J. Barrett Owen is a pastor, writer, and teacher. His passion is seeing the intersection between divinity, culture, and the church. Through preaching, organizational leadership, and spiritual formation, he desires to help people experience the inclusive love of God. 

He received a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Leadership in 2007 from Belmont University, a Master of Divinity in 2010 from McAfee School of Theology at Mercer University, and a Master of Theology in Homiletics in 2012 from Candler School of Theology at Emory University.

More info about some of this work in the episode is right here:

Paths of Oppression/Power Chart

Guest Socials:

Instagram: jbarrettowen

Facebook: Barrett Owen

Sermons at First Baptist:

Special Music for this episode was provided by The Silver Pages

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